Response #5: Kyle Olmon

As I was trying to wrap my head around the differences between the “statements about reality” in RDF versus the DCMI abstract model’s purpose for “specifying the contents of metadata records” in Baker’s article, I realized I needed to step back and try to better understand the workflows being proposed. Being a visual person, I kept drifting away from the acronym heavy paragraphs and focused on the graphs and tables to explain the interconnectedness of these various systems. Unfortunately, the chart on application profiles in Dublin Core and the RDF graph were not as effective in mapping out the connections and I still struggle to seprate the models from the schema from the record formats. On the other hand, Barbara Tillett’s brief introduction to FRBR proved to be a very straightforward presentation on the FRBR model and the included charts helped greatly when explaining the definition and order of work, expression, manifestation and items in the context of bibliographic records. I can only hope that the clear and concise visuals of Tillett or Green & Bean’s ‘Relationships in the Organization of Knowledge’ reappear in future readings to illustrate and illuminate some of these dense organizational models.


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